Vinci wins €800m contract to manage Lyon-Turin construction site waste

Vinci wins €800m contract to manage Lyon-Turin construction site waste

The Vinci-led consortium has won the contract to recover excavated material from the French side of the Mont-Cenis base tunnel. Worth €800 million, the contract covers the industrialized management of the 23 million tonnes excavated on the French side, with a target of 50% reuse over the 120-month construction period. This unprecedented project will include three final disposal sites, three material processing stations, eight logistics platforms, 15 km of conveyor belts and a complete rail loading site. Already present on the Lyon-Turin site, the Vinci Group is digging 23 km of tunnel between Saint-Martin-de-la-Porte and Modane. 

The consortium comprises Eurovia Alpes (VINCI Construction subsidiary, leader), Carrières du Bassin Rhônalpin and Terélian (VINCI Construction subsidiaries), SATM and Granulats Vicat (VICAT subsidiaries), Spie batignolles valérian and Spie batignolles malet, and GIE GMM 73.