Wind power: moderate growth in 2024  

Wind power: moderate growth in 2024  

As of September 30, 2024, the French wind farm had an installed capacity of 24.5 GW, including 1.5 GW of offshore wind power. In terms of production, wind power generated 34 TWh of electricity over the first three quarters, or 14.8% of national consumption. This represents a slight increase of 2.8% on 2023. It should be noted that 2.7 TWh came from offshore wind power.
Since the beginning of the year, 0.7 GW of new capacity has been connected, representing 65 new installations. All new installations in the third quarter were onshore.

The PPE (programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie) forecasts higher ambitions by 2028: between 33.2 GW and 34.7 GW for onshore wind power, and between 5.2 GW and 6.2 GW for offshore wind power. Currently, 12.9 GW of onshore projects are under appraisal, of which 1.6 GW already have a connection agreement. On the maritime side, 3.2 GW of projects are under study, with 1.5 GW benefiting from a signed agreement.