VNF invests 310 million euros in 2024

VNF invests 310 million euros in 2024

Voies Navigables de France is continuing to invest in improving the river network, with a budget of €310 million for 2024. The work is specifically aimed at upgrading and modernizing its structures and the 6,700km navigable network. These upgrades concern the entire network, made up of old infrastructure dating back to the 19th century, particularly on the small-gauge network and structures built between 1960 and 1970, and more often on the wide-gauge network, where industrial equipment is showing signs of wear and tear that need to be improved.
Over 400 operations are planned across the entire network, at a cost of €150 million. In addition, 2024 will see the continuation of the program to upgrade the Seine-Escaut link between France, Belgium and the Netherlands. This will enable the passage of ships carrying up to 4,400 tonnes of goods.

The French government is supporting this massive investment through the Contract of Objectives and Performance signed with the operator in 2020 and renewed in December 2023. This updated contract provides for a sharp increase in the State's contribution over the period 2023-2032, which together with the establishment's other investment income, will enable it to invest 4.3 billion euros over the duration of the contract.