EDF launches construction of bioenergy plant in Corsica

EDF launches construction of bioenergy plant in Corsica

The Ricanto bioenergy power plant project in Corsica is designed to secure the island's electricity system and promote energy transition. The 800 million euro construction project has just been launched by EDF, via its subsidiary EDF PEI. The new plant, with 8 new-generation 130 MW engines, will replace the oil-fired power station at Le Vazzio. The plant will run on liquid biomass, a plant-based fuel made from rapeseed or sunflower oil. It will offer renewable and controllable electricity production, enabling it to adapt in real time to the island's consumption needs. Its output should cover around 20% of Corsica's annual consumption. The plant will be progressively commissioned from mid-2027. 

(top photo credit ©Agence totem)

Edf Corse power plant footbridge ©villaBattesti
Villa Battesti